Fountain Pens
Stefan Fink's fountain pens bear bird names, given that "Fink" is german for "finch". They are called Albatros (albatross), Nachtigall (nightingale), Star (starling), and Milan (red kite). Whether they appear curved, classically elegant, or strict and straight-lined, all of Stefan Fink's fountain pens share a perfectly balanced shaping. Reduced to the essence. Each piece is at the same time a writing utensil, a design object, and a gem. Their silky, hand caressing surfaces are crafted from the finest woods. Their golden nibs are especially manufactured for Fink. On the inside, a sophisticated ink flow system allows for an easy alteration between ink glass refill and ink cartridges. By the way, all of these birds can actually fly – they will not leak in the pressure variations during air travel